I have a vision to
Share The Spiritual Voice of The Animals, Globally!
Welcome to Animalhealer Academy; a Spiritual Transformation Platform aiming to raise the awareness of Animals, their energy field and spiritual intention & mission.
We are the ones who can sense the unseen world of The Animals. We are the ones who have that inner calling to just dive a little bit deeper into the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there's a language between humans & animals, that we can learn to speak better.
We dare to question the worlds beliefs that animals & humans cannot communicate. Of course, we can! Language is more than spoken words. Communication & Connection is a multi-layered matrix and when rooted in a Spiritual Approach, Understanding & Unity shatters the paradigms of misunderstanding and creates a shared space between species.
Our Foundation is Love. Our Language is Understanding. Our Method is Curiosity. Our Approach is Kindness!
We do this, because we feel their need deep in our hearts. We hear them. And they hear us!
Let's build on this Connection and Evolve Together!
We are The Heartcentered Animal Lovers!
The Animals feel it too!
There is a lot going on in our world at the moment! So many areas of Human Life is under the influence of Change. This may feel uncertain and unsettling and equilibrium and Energetical Coherence can feel like miles away. We feel the effect of the Energy around us and it affects our Energy Bodies.
Our Animals Friends perceive the energy of all that goes on in the environment around them too and this has an effect on their Energy System & their Energy Body, as well as it do on us!
They feel it too!!
Our Services & Product Offerings:
@Animalhealer Academy we offer a variety of services and courses. But most importantly; we share this space with you to Inspire Spiritual Connection & further the understanding of Awareness, Communication and Shared Consciousness between Humans & Animals.
We share Courses, Guided Meditations and 1:1 sessions.
We bring forward the Channeled Energy Statements from The Group Souls of The Animals and share this Wisdom of The Collective Consciousness.
We scale our services from the level of 'dipping-your paws' to-test-the-waters', all the way to becoming a Certified Animalhealer Practitioner.
We have pay-for-content and free content. How deep you want to dive into this, is up to you. We have something for anyone on the Lightworkers Path of Spiritual Connection with The Energy World of The Animals.
Better Together for The Animals!
The Animalhealer Academy Manifesto is a set of 8 Energy Statements channeled as a foundation for the energy we represent in our work for and with the animals. The Manifesto serves as a guiding set of principles for how to align our energy with the animals of our world.
Rescue Program
as our core!
Helping the animals of this world falls upon every one of us, as we all share this earth together!
Supporting Animals in Need is the heart of Animalhealer Academy and the whole idea behind all that we do!
Spiritual Advisory Service
Get Clarity to your Rescue Situation!
If you find yourself in a situation where Spiritual Advice can assist you in helping Rescue Animals, then we wish to help you help the animals! Together we support more animals in this world - see below!
serving the interconnectedness
between humans & animals
Connection * Spirituality * Communication
Venture into a
Spiritual Journey with The Animals!
When you give your Service to The Animals by doing right by the Animals of Our World and by Sharing Energy and Spirit with these wonderful beings, we can learn from their wisdom and share ours with them; Humans & Animals joined in Love & Compassion.
Courses to support your Spiritual Growth with The Animals
Animalhealer Academy Platform Courses
Foundation Course
Your solid foundation of knowledge in Connecting, Healing and Communicating with The Animals
This course will provide you with a thorough baseline of knowledge, tools and practices for your Spiritual Work with The Animal Kingdom.
When you sign up for The Foundation Course,
you automatically support The Animalhealer Academy Rescue Program,
Designed to help Rescue Centers care for animals in need
Animalhealer Academy Healing Courses
Group Soul Course
Animalhealer Academy
Charlotte Banff
We offer courses at many levels!
See our Academy Plans!
Your Guided way into The Spiritual Realm of The Animals!
We support Rescue Animals and Donate to Animals in need!
Get Spiritual Guidance for Rescue Situations - read more here!
Take your Healing Work to the next level!
Create your own Healing Business!
We support you all the way there!
Animalhealer Academy
Charlotte Banff
We share our work!
We love to share stories from the animals and the wisdom they have shared through Energy Sessions & Animal Communication.
Why Rescue Animals & Energy Work
Words of Wisdom from Kingo The Wise Shetland Pony :)
Animalhealer Academy
is a Spiritual Transformation Platform, contributing to raising the Awareness of Animals, their energy field and their spiritual intention for inhabiting this world together with us humans.
Our aim is to heighten the awareness of how important it is for both humans and animals, to live together in loving and compassionate co+existence.
© Copyrights by Animalhealer Academy
All Rights Reseved.